So this isn’t gonna be like my regular things. I’m not talking about a movie, or overly analyzing some genre or other (that comes later). Instead I wanna talk about the year. My year. How the last 365 days have felt for me.
So, my cousin and I were talking about 2021 vs 2020. Why? Doesn’t matter. And it got me thinking: how would I describe this year? And I think I’ve got it. 2021 is Spider-Man 3 and 2020 is The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (yes, I snuck a movie reference in there). Why did I pick these movies? Simple. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a dumpster fire from start to finish, with barely any salvageable moments in it. That sounds like 2020. At least for me. The only good bits involve Spider-Man (I finally finished Amazing Spider-Man in lockdown). Now Spider-Man 3 has a lot of “good” bits (depends on who you ask). The emo Parker sequence with the dances, the jazz club scene, and a lot more. But when you look at the project on a whole, it really wasn’t all that great. And 2021 has been a ride for me.
A lot of things happened to me this year. Some of them good. Cinemas reopened. I watched 3 MCU movies in cinema, watching 5 movies total. I went out multiple times this year. The people that know me know that that doesn’t happen. And I genuinely had fun. I started a podcast (check it out here) which is actually fun to do. I wrote my first Medium article, a movie soundtrack piece. All this year. And these are most of the fun bits. The not-so-fun part is where 2021 has been the worst year for my mental health since 2019 (most of that has to do with the return of school). My life has been a constant change, and I despise change. I’ve never really felt settled. I’m living with my dad right now, and my non-existent nuclear family is an eternal issue.
What does all that mean? It means that when I look back on 2021 (which I have to do mentally because I don’t take photos), I’ll remember the good bits, but much like Spider-Man 3, can’t help but rate it low in the ranking of the 22 trips I’ve taken round the sun.
But now it’s almost over. We look forward to 2022 and the stories it will bring. Until next time.
Hasta luego ✌🏾.